Monday, April 4, 2011

What you've all been waiting for! (the one or two of you there are)

Sooooo, I am back to tell you more about my family and it's strange and beautiful dynamics....

This is me....

On a really good day. I am silly and emotional and passionate and phenomenal. I love my husband and I love me some Jesus.

This is my husband RJ......
On any day. He is a giver and sincere and gentle and loving and the best. He is a sacred moment of Grace for me.

 This is us together.....

A shame really.

Now on to the innocent ones who are directly affected....

Tawny, the oldest (mine).....

Beautiful and brilliant and sweet and deep and philosphical. My original baby and a life saver.

Chandler, the only boy (his by birth)....

Most handsome boy ever and honest and hysterical (especially after a couple of pink lemonade shots) and intelligent and Coco's very best friend. This boy has a very firm grip on my heart.

Heaven, the third head of the trio (our foster girl)....

  Goofy and tough and independent and protective and lots of fun. She might as well be ours.

Mallory, the second head of the trio (mine).....

Stunning and emotional and artistic and social and so smart. My personal favorite, this one. WHAT?! I can have a favorite right? I prayed for a redheaded freckled face girl. I got her :)

Londyn, the first baby (his)......

 Gorgeous and kind and nurturing and affectionate and sassy and girly and sincere. My most loving child by far, the mother of the group.All girl.

Chloe, the baby (ours)...

 Let me see.....bossy and demanding and hard headed and high stung and fierce BUT funny and brilliant and determined and friendly and  loyal and the most beautiful two year old I have ever seen. The high and low of my day is always Coco.

These guys are the very best of me. We have so much fun amidst the raging chaos!

1 comment:

  1. all I can say is ABOUT TIME! You are too good at this blogging thing to wait so long to update! Love you.
