Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Theres nair on my legs

As you just read, I have nair on my legs right now and I have about 3 more minutes so I thought I'd throw a quick blog up. I never shave my legs, it is one of those things I hate doing.....like peeling an orange, scooping ice cream, making a pitcher of tea, etc. Is there anything weird that you just can't stand to do?

Some of the interesting things that have happened in the last 24....

My oldest informed me last night that she wants to live with her Dad!?!?!?! She is 9. It's going to be a long 9 more years. It's a good thing my Joy is not centered in my children. It is moments like these that I cannot take to heart. With 6 children (all but 2 having different parents) I have many many more moments like this to come. If I do not remember who my babies really belong to, it will kill me.

I put out fliers for the childrens fashion show we are having at work. I am the director of Living Alternatives of Palestine (look us up on facebook).  Our Mission:  To change and save lives in Jesus' name by sharing positive solutions to issues surrounding unplanned pregnancy. We will help those in need by sharing God's grace, educating about life and sexuality, and offering compassionate care.
*Best Job Ever*

Having Taco salad tonight (in actual taco bowl). Love it.

1 comment:

  1. I hate hanging my clothes up after I take them off....that's why there is a growing pile on my closet floor! :)
