What a great weekend. It was packed to the gills but that is how we like it around here. RJ and I have just realized we aren't happy unless things are crazy. If our life starts to calm down, we jump to cram more in. You gotta LIVE people! Wanted to post some of the things that kept it crazy this weekend.......
On Saturday the girls had a ball game. They are the Aliens....not of this world. I love watching them hit and run and interact as a team. They just amaze me.
Then we had Londyns 6th birthday party. It was a great party but I still cannot believe she is 6!!!
Londyn loves fruit so I made this for her. She loved it. Didn't even eat a cupcake. :)
As a matter of fact, I did make these cupcakes :) with lots of RJ's help.
What a party my girl had!.....and I got to see sweet Lauren. She made my day.
RJ and I also got our garden planted this weekend! This is our second year and we love it. We planted potatoes, onion, garlic, cabbage, squash, zucchini, cucumber, 3 different peppers, okra, eggplant, 2 different tomatoes, watermelon and cantaloupe.
Can't wait to eat them!!
As a side note, Coco got new Dora bedding this weekend. She was still using her crib bedding. Now, those of you who know me will know that I really don't like things with characters on them. Clothes, shoes, bedding, etc. But my sweet baby girl loooooves Dora and I knew that she would love Dora bedding. Sometimes it just needs to be about them, so I bit the bullet and bought the Dora bedding just to see her reaction. It was as magical as I thought it would be when she walked in on her Dora bed. It makes me misty eyed just remembering it. She was so so excited she squealed, threw herself down on it and wiggled around on it flopping around for at least 10 whole minutes. I'd buy that bedding 100 times again.
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