If some may happen upon my posts, they will soon discover that the one we call Coco is feisty and unpredictable. Would we have it any other way? Of course we would.......but she is what we got so we love love love her as is. ;) I created that opening as an introduction into our (what we like to call) the incident of the day story. Earlier today.................. The kids were buzzing around getting ready for the bus, my husband and I were making plans for his morning off when the sound started. Scary at first, the shrill noise of the alarm intended to notify the presence of an intruder sounded throughout the house. Oh, there's an intruder alright. Coco. After we were able to disarm the system, there is Chloe, mommy's keys in hand. On the keys, red and square, the panic button. Apparently, the bright red of the panic button were basically begging to be pushed....so she did. Is that the one that alerts the police? We wondered......for about ten minutes (or however long it took for two sherrifs deputies to make it to my front door). They let me go after a few questions.
Needless to say, I wondered what the rest of the day had in store for me. As it turns out, it has been a mild one. Chloe had her 2-yr pics made today. They turned out gorgeous. RJ and I put some of the kids Christmas presents together (I can't wait!) and I had my childrens department Christmas party tonight at church. I am about to snuggle up and watch a movie with my honey. Be blessed and be a blessing.
I'm loving your posts! Keep it up girl....you're making me smile!