Thursday, December 9, 2010

I don't know if I have enough brain power

As I sit here, thinking on my very first blog ever, I ask myself....Do I have enough brainpower for this?! Holy Holy Holy playing in the background, face in hands, tensely listening for the click of Coco's door being opened (which means she is up from nap), I can admit to myself that I need an outlet.....something that is only mine. I just can't confirm to myself that I have the strength to do it right, but here we go anyways. Something about me.....I am 27 and I am raising (at this moment) 6 beautiful children. I have given birth to 3. I consider myself blessed amidst lifes everyday tragedies and I give Glory to and thank GOD for all of it. Some days I think I just may deserve an award for my outstanding mommy skills, other days (like today) I think someone may need to call the officials on me. I genuinely love my husband and we just bought our first house. Other things about our family will come with time. 

Just a recap of my day (so's you might see who you are dealing with):
Coco was up at 5 as usual (why!?!?!?)
Kids off on bus at 7:15
Coco found a permanent marker at 10
Coco takes a bath at 10:05, which is when I had the brilliant idea to use a magic eraser to get off the marker
10:20 is when I am drying her off and realize that I have gotten off most of the marker and also some of her skin (who knew)
10:25 is when I have my guilt drenched meltdown. What kind of Mom scrubs their baby's skin off?!?!?
11:00 naptime
12:20 is when I realized that I forgot to put Chloe in a pull-up for nap. I'll just wash those sheets later.

It is now 12:30

Here is a pic of my poor girl.... :(

Reunion group tonight with some of my dear sisters in Christ, good thing because I need some prayer.

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