What a special day, Easter. The reason for our hope. Praise God, he lives! We had a fun filled day in honor of Him. To start the day the kids got their baskets and they loved them. Then we got the children all gussied up and they looked so precious.
Then off to church where I had a total of 40 three year olds between both services to do the egg hunt. It was a blast!! Here is a pic of me with my 2nd service class. I have been teaching in this class for over two years now and some of these children are like my own. They bless me so so very much!
After church, we headed over to Nana's to take pics in her amazing back yard.
After Nana's we went home, ate lunch and took a short nap. We finished out the day playing outside together. The kids played in the water and I blew about a billion bubbles for Chloe. We had Mallorys fave, chicken and dumplings for dinner (YUM) and then we all played basketball until way after the street light came on. The kids went to bed a little later than usual, but that's okay because we were together. :) Watched the Dove awards and hit the hay. What a day