Saturday, May 14, 2011

Finally some blog time. This is gonna be a good one.

So, since last time.....

Wednesday and Thursday last week, the kids had field day. This was always one of my favorite days of the year at school (right there with the Valentines Party) so RJ and I always go. The kids did awesome!!! They were raring to go!

Mallory got first and Heaven got second  in the 50 yard dash....

Londyn got first in her group too!!! I was so impressed!

Chandler committed himself to the bouncy ball race and pulled ahead to win first. He also got second in the 50 yard dash!

Tawny got 5th place in the long jump against about 20 girls. I was so proud of her! She has so much heart.

Coco had a good time too!!

Saturday we had a Mothers Day lunch with my side of the fam. I love them so many great moms (especially mine).

 That night RJ and I went to the crawfish boil with our good friends Braden and Jessica. We met my Aunt Tina some other family there. My camera was dead :( so I only have a pic from Tinas camera. We had a blast! 

As you know Sunday was Mothers Day and we had Nana and Mia (RJ's mother and grandmother) over for lunch. These two women are such an inspiration to me......I want to be like them when I grow up. 

I accomplished what I set out for this Mothers Day. I made my mom and my mother in law cry.  ;) 

I had a pretty simple week this last week. Took Chandler to the dentist on Thursday and so enjoyed spending time alone with him. That evening, I had dinner with my besties. These girls are the best of the best!

Life is good.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Randomness from the weekend

Londyns class has been studying manners so they had a tea party and a program on Friday. I was the hairstylist and RJ was the class barber. I did about 20 heads of hair and RJ shaved faces and straightened ties. It was so much fun. I wish I had time between braids and curls to get more pics but I was too darn busy. Here are some of the few. Londyn is a doll!!

On Saturday, RJ and I did yardwork for hours and hours but it sure does look beautiful out there. Saturday night we had some sweet friends over for game night. I know this sounds crazy, but it was our first one ever. RJ and I had individual friends when we got married, but have never had "couple" friends. It has been in my prayers for years, so these phenomenal people are an answer from God. Truly. We had a great time.

Jessica and Braden

Brad and Josie

I take is pretty seriously. I won. Just sayin'.

I also wanted to post some beautiful  pics I took of Mallory the other day :)

Radiant. Beautiful. Compassionate. Joyful. Genuine. One of a kind.